Body Mind Workers - Level3: Diploma in Hypnotherapy


Clinical Hypnotherapy is a fascinating subject and the human Mind is a huge area to study, so, we spend our entire time training and developing you in the practical applications of the hypnotic process.

We then use accelerated learning to embed and develop your skills, so you can become an accomplished practitioner.

"Trance" is an abbreviation of "Transderivational Search". The simple version - "Lights on but nobody home", "a penny for your thoughts", "day dreaming" are all the sort of things people might say to you if they see that you have wandered off inside your Mind.

The intellectual version - "Trance" is a fundamental part of human language and cognitive processing. Arguably, every word or utterance a person hears, for example, and everything they see or feel and take note of, results in a very brief trance while a search is carried out to establish a contextual meaning for it.

Our training is lead by Matt Hudson who has been a long time member of the UK Guild of Hypnotist Examiners, where he has served as a committee member. Matt is also author of The Saboteur Within, which looks at why your unconscious Mind can appear to self-sabotage you and how to harness its energy, inordertoliveamorepurposefullife. Havingbeenbornwithseverehearingdifficultieshehasdeveloped an unparalleled approach to client centred Hypnosis.

The Clinical Hypnotherapy Diploma course requires students to engage in home study in Hypnosis theory prior to attending the programme. This allows total dedication to learning the art of applied Clinical Hypnosis. You will also be encouraged to complete your own personal development log, to capture your transformational journey. There is continuous assessment of your progress and time is made available to discuss any problems that may have been encountered along the way. Required home study consists of reading recommended text books, gathering 10 clients to evidence your use of hypnotherapy technique and the submission of essays.