Body Mind Workers - Level 1: Map of the Mind


Course Overview

Level 1: Map of the Mind

Welcome to the beginning of your journey to discover how your mind works. This week promises to extend your understanding of your mind and how it impacts on your body. Many students have uncovered the answers to their own life struggles and learned how everything that a person has lived is relevant to their health or dis-ease.

  • The Map of your mind and how it works.
  • The Eight Rules of the Saboteur Within.
  • Deletion, Distortion and Generalisation. Explaining Pain: A neurological journey into this essential human experience.
  • Visual, Auditory or Kinaesthetic Language.
  • How to engage with the most skeptical people.
  • Discover the 'Screen' and how to use it.
  • Exceptional communication both verbal and non-verbal.
  • Below conscious rapport building.
  • When feelings become physical.
  • What is happening at a cellular level?
  • Context and content reframing for greater pain relief.
  • Chunking up, down and sideways to shift perception of pain.
  • Home study: write a reflective account of the module and gather 10 clients to evidence your use of the tools.
  • Commence your journey with your client log (10 people).